The only Financial Health Report to use market & financial data

Try BankruptcyRisk’s 14-Day trial for $14

FinancialHealth Report™ (FHR)

Automates financial risk management for pennies a day
Continuous market & financial data updates
Covers every public company worldwide

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Financial Risk Report

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Market Data – The
Killer Feature

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BankruptcyRisk_ Media™


Interactive Web Reporting Portal

IInteractive Web Reporting Portal

Take 15 minutes now to establish state-of-the-art financial risk management. It’s easy:

Take 15 minutes now to establish a state-of-the-art financial risk program. It’s easy:

What's Under the Hood?

PredictLens™ takes your public and private financial prediction to a new level, powered by vast market data, real-time updates and machine learning.

PredictLens™ takes your public and private financial prediction to a new level, powered by vast market data, real-time updates and machine learning.

Vast Data Sources

PredictLens™ technology evaluates millions of media articles, market data and financial statements worldwide every day. This vast dataset gives our customers an unfair financial risk management advantage.

Real-Time Updates

The PredictLens MA™ Media Analytics platform provides real-time awareness of significant news about your public and private companies.

State-of-the-Art Risk Models

The PredictLens ML™ Machine Learning risk models alert you to over 90% of public and private bankruptcies 2 years in advance.

PredictLens NL™ uses Natural Language AI to explain risks clearly to both financial and non-financial users.

The PredictLens ML™ Machine Learning risk models alert you to over 90% of public and private bankruptcies 2 years in advance.

PredictLens NL™ uses Natural Language AI to explain risks clearly to both financial and non-financial users.

Add Colleagues to Your Portal

Allow unlimited people from your organization to log into the web portal to view financial results ($6,000 value, FREE this month).

Each person can tailor their portal to their companies of interest within the organization’s portfolio.

All alerts, charts and reports reflect just the companies chosen by each person.

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